Our strong governance foundation is built through our ESG oversight and Board diversity

Governance Highlights
Corporate Governance Structure
We continue to reinforce our oversight of corporate governance matters to enhance our performance, strengthen our stakeholder relationships and ensure robust governance mechanisms are in place to manage risk. Our effective governance structure ensures strong oversight of ESG risks and opportunities.
The Board has established the following committees: Audit, Human Resources and Compensation Committee, Corporate Governance and Nominating, Environment, Safety and Sustainability, and Reserves. During each regularly scheduled committee meeting, members hold an in-camera session without management.
Each committee of the board has clear accountabilities to guide the company’s overall ESG performance and disclosure. The Environment, Safety and Sustainability (ES&S) Committee specifically oversees climate-related strategy and governance and is composed of members that have the requisite skills and experience to ensure that the Board is able to effectively fulfill its mandate.
Our Whistleblowing Policy reflects our commitment to high ethical, moral and legal business conduct. It allows employees, consultants and external stakeholders to anonymously report concerns regarding financial controls and audit matters, fraud and/or theft, bribery and corruption, harassment, workplace violence, substance abuse, conflict of interest, discrimination, human rights and safety concerns. The Whistleblowing Policy is overseen by our Audit Committee and sets out procedures to address the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints and concerns received, and outlines measures taken to protect the confidentiality and anonymity of any submissions. Individuals may report concerns to an independent third-party via a toll-free telephone number, website, or anonymous email. In addition to the adoption of the Whistleblowing Policy, management has instituted detailed procedures governing the investigation of whistleblower complaints. These procedures have been designed to ensure effective, comprehensive, independent and conflict-free investigations.
ESG-Related Policies
As part of our risk mitigation strategy and strong governance practices, Veren requires annual review and sign-off of its policies by the Board, officers and employees of the company. Our ESG-related policies include the following:
Board of Directors and Board Committees
Terms of reference for each board committee, which define its mandate, composition, frequency of meetings and other relevant matters, as well as formal position descriptions for each committee chairs, have been approved and adopted by the Board. Visit our Board of Directors page for more information on our board composition.

TSX Supplemental Material
Constating & Governance Documents